首頁 / 兒童外語故事:兒童英文故事 / 3分鐘兒童英文故事:大象的勇氣



In a circus, there was a mahout who used five elephants for his performances. He kept them restrained with a single rope, not pulled very tightly. Despite the elephants' immense size and strength, they never attempted to break free.

One day, a curious visitor asked the mahout why the elephants didn't try to escape when the rope seemed too feeble to hold them. The visitor was astonished by the mahout's response: the mahout explained that since their early years, the elephants had been conditioned to believe they lacked the power to snap the rope. This belief was the sole reason the elephants never made an escape attempt.

This tale underscores the notion that our perceptions and self-beliefs can greatly influence our actions and accomplishments. The elephants, having been conditioned to doubt their abilities, never challenged the feeble rope. It serves as a reminder that one can achieve remarkable feats by believing in themselves and not succumbing to past limitations and self-doubt. Therefore, "You are as capable as you believe" signifies that your potential is determined by your own convictions and beliefs.





這個故事強調了我們的認知和自我信念會對我們的行動和成就產生巨大影響。大象們被訓練成懷疑自己的能力,所以牠們從來沒有挑戰那根脆弱的繩索。這提醒我們,只要相信自己,不屈服於過去的局限和自我懷疑,就能取得非凡的成就。因此,“You are as capable as you believe”意味著你的潛力是由你自己的信念和信仰決定的。


