
- 授課語言英文
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- 教師影音
Since 一年授課範圍
入門初級實英、實用英文、新聞英文、閱讀、發音、Let us Talk、Free Talk、兒童英語、兒童閱讀、兒童發音、兒童口說、一般寫作、青少年口說適合學員
大學英語六級 大學英語四級自我介紹
小朋友你們好!我叫will,你們也可以叫LiangYan,LiangYan是我的中文名,我畢業于桂林理工大學,專業是高分子材料。雖然是理工科,但我一直對英語有著深厚的熱愛,並且強烈渴望與他人分享。去年到現在我有一年的教學經驗。在業餘時間,我喜歡騎自行車和探索戶外。我擅長使用電腦和上網,這讓我能夠利用多媒體資源和網路工具,使課程更加互動有趣。我相信每個孩子都有成為自信熟練的英語演講者的潛力。我期待著與你們和孩子們一起進步。Hello kids! My name is Will, you can also call me LiangYan, which is my Chinese name, I graduated from Guilin Tech University with a degree in Polymer Materials. Although my academic background is in science, I have always had a deep love for the English language and a strong desire to share that passion with others. I have one year teaching experience for the past year, so it's an rewarding experience. In my free time, I enjoy cycling and exploring the outdoors. I am also skilled in using computers and navigating the internet, which allows me to incorporate multimedia resources and virtual tools to make lessons more interactive and fun. I believe that every child has the potential to become a confident and proficient English speaker. I am excited about the opportunity to work with you and your children.